In Memory of: Ellisander Lorenzo Valerio


Ellisander Lorenzo Valerio was born June 26, 2017. During my pregnancy at 13 weeks, I was told he had Omphalocele. A birth defect of the abdominal (belly) wall. The infants intestines, liver or other organs stick outside of the belly through the belly button. I never gave up hope. I went to appointments every other week and at 33 weeks his umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck and I had to have an emergency c-section. Ellis was born 4 pounds, hearing his voice for the first time was truly amazing. He stayed in the NICU, where I would hold his little fingers and talk to him, letting him know how much I love him. After 3 days he had to be sedated and it was the last time I got to see his precious eyes or smile again. He passed away at 8 days on July 4, 2017. After months of feeling alone in my grief, I began my journey of helping other families who were experiencing the same heartache. Inspirationally Grieving My Baby Inc. was established to remember Ellisander and so people going through what I went through never have to feel isolated or alone in their struggles.

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Remembering Ellisander

Forever cherished, though their time was brief, their tiny lives left an everlasting imprint on our hearts